A Dharma Talk by Doug McGill

I'd like to cordially invite you to a dharma talk I will offer this Sunday, Feb. 4 at the Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center in Northfield, MN.

The talk, "Doomscrolling and the Dhamma," looks at our habits of media consumption in a time of unprecedented technological change and social upheaval, and how to use the media wisely, safely, and creatively.

You can attend the talk online at:

PASSCODE: med55057

The talk will be from 10 to 11 AM CST. 

Feel free to join a 30-minute sit from 9:30 to 10 AM CST. 

According to ChatGPT: "Doomscrolling is scrolling through an endless stream of negative news and information, particularly on social media and news websites." 

The Talk Summary:

“Whether we consume media compulsively or not, we are all doomscrollers now. The sheer bulk and velocity of deeply disturbing news is unavoidable today, and we tend to absorb it osmotically. How is one to cope without collapsing? A good starting point is the Buddha’s description of Dhamma as going “against the stream,” and his teachings for doing that. In this talk, I’ll bring my experience of 30 years as a journalist at The New York Times, Bloomberg News, and as a freelance writer, to explore going "against the stream” today. That is, how to engage meaningfully with world news and events while at the same time maintaining warm-heartedness towards all beings, compassion, joy and equanimity.” 

My Bio:

“I started meditating In my 20’s and 30’s as a staff reporter at The New York Times, to cope with the stress of daily journalism. In the mid-1990's, I read "The Art of Living" by S.N. Goenka and learned vipassana meditation, which became my root practice. In 2004, I founded the Rochester Meditation Center, in Rochester, MN, and was the Guiding Teacher there until 2020. In 2019, I edited “Relax and Be Aware: Mindfulness Meditations for Clarity, Confidence and Wisdom,” by Sayadaw U Tejaniya. Since 2013, I've published “The Daily Tejaniya,” a daily email practice reminder. Since 2020, I’ve led online weekend retreats based on the Buddha’s Four Foundations of Awareness; and led a weekly online group meditation,Monday Friends.” 

I hope to see you there! 🙏☀️


P.S. For more about my talks, writing and Monday Friends, the weekly online meditation group, feel free to visit my website,